Author Archive for Admin – Page 3

Thank you for your input!

The Henteleff Park Foundation has applied to the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative.  This initiative recognizes the importance of public spaces (both real and virtual) to support healthy physical and social activities, especially during COVID-19. We thank you for taking the time to complete our survey and give us your opinion on future projects.

We truly appreciate your feedback and will be sharing our findings shortly. Stay tuned!

Fall Newsletter 2020

Fall 2020. Vol 17. Issue 2.

A Message from the Henteleff Park Foundation Board

Elsewhere in this issue, we’ve offered a report of activities in the Park this year and some plans for next. Here, we’d like to tell you about some changes to the Board of Henteleff Park Foundation and some organizational plans going forward.

At the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the end of June, graciously hosted in the meeting room of the Waterfront Condominiums, Saul Henteleff chose to step down after seven years as HPF Board President, handing over the position to Owen Clune. At that time, Saul hoped to continue as Past-President and to support the Board’s effort in other capacities. Unfortunately, this was not to be, and Saul resigned from his position as a board member in August of this year. His years of service are much appreciated.

At the AGM, the Board also welcomed a new member, Terri Ashcroft. As well as serving on the Board, Terri has created and embraced the position of Volunteer Co-ordinator. In the coming year, Terri and the Board hope to seek out and call on the enthusiasm, expertise, and sweat of new Park volunteers, new members of the Foundation, and new members of the Board. Please check out our website or keep an eye on the message board in the Park in the spring if you would like to become involved.

During the fall of 2020, the Board also organized several new committees to effectively manage the work of the Park. The newly formed Site Management Committee will assist Marilyn Latta in her indispensable work in rehabilitating and maintaining the physical fabric of the Park. The new Communications Committee will promote the Park through various social media and through this newsletter. You may have already noticed that the Park now has an Instagram presence! We want to thank Bridget White for her continued skilled work in this regard. We also want to thank Karen Ilchena, who for many years has done the major portion of work on this newsletter. Karen has now joined us as a member of the Communications Committee. The Board has also created a Policy Committee that will work on refreshing the administrative framework of the HPF Board as new members and volunteers join us in caring for the Park.

Marilyn Latta continues in her all-important position as Treasurer, Corinne Caron in her linchpin position as Vice-President, Sheila Pursey in her vital position as Board Secretary, Ian Keenan as Board advisor and key member of the Communications Committee, and Yude Henteleff as the living memory and ultimate driving force of the Park as President Emeritus.

Please be sure to watch our social media and future issues of this newsletter for opportunities to join with us in protecting and enhancing the Park into the future.

Our Heartfelt Thanks to Marilyn!

While Henteleff Park would not exist without the unceasing efforts of Yude Henteleff and others, it must also be said that the Park would not exist in anything resembling its present form without the energy, knowledge, skill, guidance, and caring of Marilyn Latta, our Site Supervisor and Chair of our Site Management Committee. The Henteleff Park Foundation wishes to express our heartfelt thanks, deep affection, and profound appreciation to Marilyn.

In addition to her devotion to Henteleff Park, Marilyn has worked tirelessly and in many roles for Nature Manitoba (formerly Manitoba Naturalists’ Society). Rather than recapping her many awards, contributions, and accomplishments with them, please go to and search under Marilyn’s name.

As you walk into Henteleff Park, one of the first sites you’ll notice is the Tall Grass Prairie. This intense and sustained work of habitat restoration, begun in the spring of 2007, would not exist without Marilyn’s meticulous planning, direction, and stewardship.

Near the east end of the Tall Grass Prairie there stands an information board installed earlier this year. This is another Park amenity Marilyn conceived of and oversaw to completion. On it you can find a list of bird species seen in the Park that draws on sightings by a wide range of observers, from novice birders to some of the most experienced in the Province. This list is yet another of Marilyn’s creations. She (and the Board with her) hope to follow this list with similar ones of plants and of animals seen in the Park.

Further into the Park, you’ll notice areas of thriving young trees that give the appearance of undisturbed nature. But this appearance is deceiving. During the Park’s time as a market garden under the Henteleff family and as a tree farm operated by the City of Winnipeg, the local ecosystem was significantly changed. What you now see reflects Marilyn’s knowledge and sensitivity in selecting planting areas and nurturing the plantings in them. She has consistently guided the work of the Park’s summer staff over many years to carry this out. She has selected and pre-ordered native tree and other native plant species, supervised their placement, and directed ongoing battles by volunteers and staff to control invasive, non-native plant species.

Shaping the Future

As many of you will know, in spring, summer, and fall seasons Marilyn devotes many hours each day and each week to enhancing the Park. Many of us have seen her in her trademark gear, delving deep into a pants pocket to pull out her field notebook – a notebook packed with observations, jots about what soon needs to be done, and thoughts to shape future planning.

Marilyn is a self-taught botanist with a phenomenal knowledge of plants. She is not only able to identify many species, but can describe their preferred habitats, their seasons, and their habits. She is generous in sharing this knowledge. Ask her anything about the Tall Grass Prairie – her particular passion – and she knows the answer (although she is the first to humbly admit that there are certain plants that she finds “a little more challenging”). And if she doesn’t know the answer, she will find it through her network of specialists, in her reference books, or through her online research. Marilyn loves to learn. And as frequent users of the Park know, Marilyn loves to share her knowledge, her time leading many themed field walks through the Park, her extra guidebooks, the cuttings and seeds from her garden, and most of all her passion for the natural world. Marilyn is also an accomplished photographer who uses many of her images in the courses she teaches. As one of her colleagues at Nature Manitoba has so effectively put it, “these remarkable achievements could have been reached only through a combination of disciplined personal study, association with other botanists, dedicated field work, and careful record keeping.”

In all her efforts, Marilyn has applied her remarkable energy, her friendly powers of persuasion, and her winning personality to give generously of her time and spirit as a leader, an organizer, an administrator, an exceptional naturalist, and a true friend of Henteleff Park. As you can perhaps tell from this article, it is a challenge to find enough superlatives to convey our admiration for and reliance on her.

Thank you, Marilyn, thank you!

The Year Past
The Year to Come

It’s an understatement to say that the year 2020 has so far been eventful for each and every one of us. For Henteleff Park, wider events have greatly increased the use of the Park, with mainly positive results.Many of our neighbours and visitors take great pride in the Park and tell us about their sense of ownership and community.

The Board of the Henteleff Park Foundation would like to recap events of this year and give a glimpse of some plans for 2021.

Click here to read the full article.



Marilyn Latta found Leopard frogs were more abundant in 2020 than ever noted before.







A male Cardinal, photographed by Claude Garand, was not only a treat visually but also to the ears.







Many, Many Thanks!

One of the joys for the Henteleff Park Foundation Board is witnessing the support, kindness, direct help, and engagement of so many people, and being able to thank them for contributing in so many different ways.Because there are so many people we wish to thank, we’ve grouped them below by those who have provided financial support, those who have encouraged or advocated for the Park, those who have helped make the Park better known, and those who advised, facilitated, or carried out work in the Park itself. If we’ve missed you or anyone you know, please let us know and please accept our apologies!

To note those agencies, organizations and individuals who provided financial support, we say thank you to: Canada Summer Jobs; TD Bank Friends of the Environment Foundation; the Green Team Program of Manitoba Conservation and Climate; the City of Winnipeg Land Dedication Reserve Fund; and all of you who have so kindly sent individual donations to the Park this year and in the past.

For those who have so graciously supported, encouraged, and advocated for the Park in the past year, we express our thanks to: Terry Duguid, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South; Rochelle Squires, Member of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly for Riel; Markus Chambers, City Councillor for the St. Norbert – Seine River Ward; and Brian Mayes, City Councillor for the St. Vital Ward.

Regarding those who have helped make the Park better known, we offer profound thanks to: Karen Ilchena of Karen Ilchena Communications; Bridget White; Claude Garand, photographer; and Wes Braun, photographer and volunteer.

For those agencies, organizations and individuals who have so kindly offered advice, assistance, donation-in-kind, or have carried out work in or for the Park over the past year, we offer our heartfelt thanks, in no particular order, to:

The City of Winnipeg Naturalist Services Branch, particularly Paul Mutch and Cameron Ruml; Jessica Mutimer of the City of Winnipeg Parks and Open Space Division; Karl Thordarson, Superintendent of Parks East; Alexandra Mathieson; Helen Fabbri; Linda Pearn; Philippe Sabourin; Dr. Roof; Saul Henteleff; the New Directions Program and its participants; Doug Fyfe; Sheila Pursey; Ailsa and Bryce Desender; Rosemary St. Laurent; Corinne Caron; John Borody (aka: Dr. Burdock); Progressive Real Estate; Ian Keenan; Terri Ashcroft; Gord Elvers; Marilyn Latta; Susan Burko; our 2020 summer staff: Braedon Walker, Peter Kiz, Tessa Ferch, Andrew Kiz, Ava Ryszytylo, and Ayotunde Dada; and most certainly not least, the living reason for the Park’s existence, Yude Henteleff.

The Board of Henteleff Park Foundation once again says to everyone who has funded the Park, who has advocated for and encouraged the Park, who has promoted the Park, or who made in-kind donations or helped rehabilitate or improve the Park itself, your support is deeply appreciated.

Henteleff Park would not be the jewel it is without you!

Both John Borody and honey bees enjoyed the Jerusalem artichoke flowers blooming in late summer.







Donations Needed
We appreciate all the financial and other assistance provided to HPF by all three levels of Government. But that falls considerably short of what HPF requires to maintain and improve Henteleff Park as set out in its mandate and we need your financial support to do so. That mandate is to maintain and improve itself as a passive park – a place of beauty, quietude and reflection. HPF is a non-profit registered Charity with the Canada Revenue agency and all donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for their donation.   Please make your cheques payable to “Henteleff Park Foundation”

Henteleff Park Foundation Inc.
1964 St. Mary’s Road
Winnipeg, MB  R2N 4G8

Fall Fest 2020

Spring 2020 Newsletter

President’s Report

Dear Friends of Henteleff Park:

First off, the Board of Directors of Henteleff Park Foundation wishes to thank you for the tremendous support and kind words that you have sent us over the past months. Your feedback and participation are extremely meaningful. Thank you for this help.

Year-to-Date (Spring 2020)
Like all years, this year has been very interesting at Henteleff Park with lots of challenges and new things. I will present some of the highlights below.

TD Bank Friends of the Environment
Once again we received very generous financial support from TD Bank’s Friends of the Environment program. As in the past, this grant will be used for equipment upgrades, plant purchases and very importantly, wage-supplements for our summer employees. For more information about the TB Bank FEF grant program please got to: 

Canada Summer Jobs (Service Canada) 
Again, as well, we received financial support from Service Canada’s Canada Summer Jobs program. This program provides financial support for public, private and non-profit organizations in employing youth across Canada. This year we will be hiring 4 youth for 8 weeks to plant and water trees, clean and maintain the trails, remove weeds from various parts of the park and cut the grass. As you likely know, Service Canada has been working extremely hard in managing a very different set of circumstances this year due to COVID-19. We wish to thank Service Canada for communicating with Henteleff Park as quickly as they did.

New Directions 
Henteleff Park Foundation is very happy to announce that New Directions will be helping with various tasks at Henteleff Park this summer. New Directions is a non-profit organization responsible for the care of youth and adults in the community. We welcome New Directions to Henteleff Park and we look forward to a summer of more beautification through their efforts.

Henteleff Park Board of Directors
This year a member of the South St Vital community joined the Henteleff Park Foundation Board of Directors. We would like to welcome Sheila Pursey to the Board of HPF and to thank her very much for taking on the challenging role of Board Secretary.

The Development Next Door
As you will have noticed, the condo/townhouse development directly south of the park is underway and we have received several emails and telephone calls with updates and aspects of this process over the past months. We too have been paying very close attention to the removal of trees, the excavation of earth and the proximity of all this to the creek. We are very concerned that the creek could be damaged as a result of all that work. We are monitoring this very closely and we will keep you updated as things progress.

In Conclusion
Now in its 21st year, Henteleff Park continues to thrive through the efforts of funding organizations, community support and volunteers like you. There is a particular group of volunteers, however, who deserve special mention. Without the Henteleff Park Board of Directors, the work that takes place at the park would not occur. I would like to take this opportunity therefore, to thank the folks who take the time to work on projects and attend board meetings throughout the year:

Yude Henteleff, President Emeritus
Owen Clune, Vice-President
Marilyn Latta, Treasurer and Site Supervisor
Sheila Pursey, Secretary
Corinne Caron, Director
Ian Keenan, Director
& Karen Ilchena for her wonderful website and communications efforts.

All the best everyone, and here’s hoping that you have a wonderful summer!

See you at the park!

Saul Henteleff, President
Henteleff Park Foundation

Photo taken at 2019 Tree Planting
[Rochelle Squires MLA for Riel; Terry Duguid MP for Winnipeg South; Markus Chambers City Councillor St. Norbert-Seine River Ward; Yude Henteleff]

Annual Tree Planting CANCELLED this year 

It is with great disappointment that we must announce the cancellation of the (2020) tree-planting at Henteleff Park.

The tree-planting is a time that we look forward to most in the year, as it brings together the community, the Foundation and representatives of the City of Winnipeg, the Province of Manitoba and the Federal Government for a morning of coffee, donuts, conversations and of course, planting trees. Under the current circumstances, however, such an event is impossible.

Nonetheless, the park is open and we encourage you, your family and your friends to visit and enjoy!

   What a Snapper!

Some observant park users spotted this Common Snapping Turtle in Henteleff Park on March 4th and Henteleff Park Secretary, Sheila Pursey, managed to get this great photograph. Sheila estimated the turtle was about 50 cm long, not including the tail, so this was one big turtle!

Snapping turtles can live to be 100 years old and interestingly, continue to grow throughout their lifetime. Most of their time is spent in the water where they eat both plant and animal matter and serve as important aquatic scavengers. They also hunt for invertebrates, fish, frogs, and unwary water birds and small animals.

Occasionally though, they can be found wondering around, especially when the females are looking for a place to lay eggs. It is unwise to get too close to them as they have powerful beak-like jaws and will snap at anything they find threatening.

The best place to find them in Henteleff Park is in Normand Creek on the south side of the bridge. Take a close look and you might find that a greenish looking rock in the water is actually an algae covered Snapping turtle having a nap.  Submitted by Marilyn Latta & Sheila Pursey

Site Planning Committee 2019 Report

It was another beautiful year at the park!

Thanks to the efforts of our summer staff, countless volunteers and supporters, we managed to complete numerous projects once again. From tree planting to ground maintenance and restoration and much, much more. We extend our special thanks to the many people involved in making Henteleff Park the great place that it is for both people and wildlife. Please click here to read the full Site Planning Committee report.

Please Keep on Leash

When you’re enjoying Henteleff Park with your dogs, we ask that you please keep them on leash. We want to ensure we keep our furry friends and wildlife safe.

Donations Needed

We appreciate all the financial and other assistance provided to HPF by all three levels of Government. But that falls considerably short of what HPF requires to maintain and improve Henteleff Park as set out in its mandate and we need your financial support to do so. That mandate is to maintain and improve itself as a passive park – a place of beauty, quietude and reflection. HPF is a non-profit registered Charity with the Canada Revenue agency and all donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for their donation.

Please make your cheques payable to “Henteleff Park Foundation”
Henteleff Park Foundation
748 Borebank Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3N 1G4

Tree Planting & Other News – May 2020

Annual Tree Planting 2020
and other News

Dear friends of Henteleff Park:

We hope this email finds you happy and well in this very difficult time.

Unfortunately, there is a little bad news which will be followed by some good news.

Annual Tree-Planting

It is with great disappointment that we must announce the cancellation of the (2020) tree-planting at Henteleff Park.

The tree-planting is a time that we look forward to most in the year, as it brings together the community, the Foundation and representatives of the City of Winnipeg, the Province of Manitoba and the Federal Government for a morning of coffee, donuts, conversations and of course, planting trees. Under the current circumstances, however, such an event is impossible. Nonetheless, the park is open and we encourage you, your family and your friends to visit and enjoy!

And now the good news!

TD Bank Friends of the Environment Grant 

We are very happy to announce that the Henteleff Park Foundation received a generous grant from the TD Bank Friends of the Environment program. This grant will be used for the purchase of trees, shrubs and other necessities that keep the park vibrant and beautiful. We wish to thank the TD Bank program for their commitment to environmental preservation and natural enhancement. For more information about the TD Bank Friends of the Environment program please go to:…/a…/ready-commitment/vibrant-planet/fef/

All the best everyone! See you at the Park!
Henteleff Park Foundation

Special Message Spring 2020

Dear Friends of Henteleff Park:

Just a note to wish you, your friends and your family all the strength and resilience during these difficult times.

Also, as you must know, practicing social distancing is extremely important to prevent the spread and contraction of the COVID-19 virus.

As such, we hope that you continue to enjoy Henteleff Park. We simply ask that you be careful with your health and the health of others.

Yours sincerely,
Henteleff Park Foundation

Fall 2019 Newsletter

President’s Summer Report 2019

Summer is generally the quiet time for Henteleff Park Board. Apart from directors heading into the field on a daily basis to plant trees, supervise staff and pluck burdock (a THOUSAND thanks to Marilyn Latta, Ian Keenan, Bryan Bjerring, Yude Henteleff and Corrine Caron for their extraordinary labours), during the summer months we do not do any business. Fall, winter and spring are typically our busy periods. Nonetheless, there are a few things – other than the sweat that was poured – that took place this summer that are of importance.

In June, my dad and I were interviewed by Nadia Kidwai of CBC for her weekend program. On a lovely Saturday morning, Nadia came to the park and the three of us walked the trails, enjoyed the beautiful space and my dad and I shared family history, park history and the ever-increasing need for trees. Nadia was entranced by the space and her piece on CBC was excellent! Thank-you Nadia for your wonderful work! You made my dad’s and my meanderings make sense.

On another note, the Henteleff Park Board has been keeping a very close watch on the developments immediately south of the park on Normand Road. As many of you know, a significant building project is in the works, and while little took place this summer, construction of the multi-unit complex will commence in due course. In this light, our commitment to the park’s integrity, health and beauty is unflagging and this summer we made our concerns about the development very clear – and unequivocal – to the Riel Community Committee. Henteleff Park is a site for public education, reforestation and nature preservation. This is our mandate and from it we will not waver.

Next, the tremendous work that took place this summer couldn’t have occurred without the generous support of TD Bank’s Friends of the Environment, Service Canada’s Canada Summer Jobs Program and the City of Winnipeg’s Land Dedication Reserve Fund.  Without these programs, Henteleff Park would not be able to hire summer students, purchase and repair equipment or buy trees.  Furthermore, Henteleff Park continues to get service support from the City of Winnipeg through grass cuttings, wood chip deliveries and various other things.

To all of the major funders, the Board of Directors of Henteleff Park wishes to thank you for creating programs that enhance the environment, protect beautiful spaces and create jobs. Finally, the Board of Directors of Henteleff Park wishes to thank the many individuals who made donations to the park this summer of $20.00, $50.00 and more. Your contributions are not only tremendously helpful but they also give us an insight into how the park fits into the community. Thank you for sharing that you like what we are doing.  At the same time, the Board would also like to thank Karen Ilchena and Gord Elvers whose endless volunteer hours continue to keep Henteleff Park alive and kicking. To coin a phrase, it takes a village to plant a forest. Thank you all!

May your fall, winter and spring seasons be healthy and happy! Hope to see you at the park.

Saul Henteleff, President
Henteleff Park Board

You’re Invited to our 2nd Annual Fall Fest

On Friday September 27, the Henteleff Park Board of Directors will be hosting its second annual Fall Fest event at Henteleff Park. This will be a very casual after-dinner get-together from 6:30 – 7:30 at the Interpretive Centre.

Come for music, snacks, tea or coffee and a season-ending celebration.

Hope to see you there!

Rochelle Squires MLA for Riel; Terry Duguid MP for Winnipeg South; Markus Chambers City Councillor St. Norbert-Seine River Ward; Yude Henteleff

Henteleff Park Foundation’s annual tree planting event on Saturday, June 15, 2019 was a resounding success!

The rain held off for the 55 community volunteers: families of toddlers to teens and adults of all ages who arrived with tools in hand and a willing spirit.

After a short demonstration from HPF board member, Marilyn Latta, on how to plant a tree to survive in Manitoba’s climate, enthusiastic planters got to work. In less than two hours, 75 trees and shrubs were planted, watered and caged. The new additions include Basswood, Hawthorne, Highbush Cranberry, Manitoba Maple, Oak, Red-osier dogwood, Saskatoon and Silver Buffaloberry.

Canada Summer Jobs staff, Braedon (Lead), Peter, Tessa and Andrew; and Paul Mutch, City of Winnipeg Naturalist Services Branch, assisted the volunteers with the digging, planting and watering. Our summer staff will ensure these new plants are watered and checked regularly to ensure their best chance for surviving Manitoba’s hot, dry summer.

The ongoing support and resources HPF receives from all levels of government and other friends of the park provide the means needed to maintain and preserve the park as a natural place of beauty and serenity for all visitors to enjoy.  Board members, Yude Henteleff, Saul Henteleff, Marilyn Latta, Ian Keenan, Corinne Caron and Bryan Bjerring were on hand assisting and encouraging our valued volunteers.

Terry Duguid, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, Rochelle Squires, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Riel and Markus Chambers, City Councillor, St. Norbert – Seine River Ward, attended and actively participated in the planting process.

Judith Chambers from TD Bank attended this event. Henteleff Park is very appreciative of the financial support we received this year from TD Bank Friends of the Environment for $8970 that will assist with summer staff wages and park maintenance. A huge thank you is extended to the community for your continued support of Henteleff Park!

We hope to see you in the park for the Fall Festival, Friday September 27 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm! For more information on upcoming events, visit us on Facebook or our website at 

Submitted by: Corinne Caron, Board Member

Cooper’s hawks have nested in Henteleff Park for at least the two summers. They are what are referred to as forest hawks. They are fast fliers and fly low through the trees looking for birds and small mammals, rather than soaring high in the sky like many other hawks. They are frequently confused with Sharp-shinned hawks, another forest hawk, as they look fairly similar and often occupy the same habitat. Due to an interesting phenomenon called “reversed sexual size dimorphism” (common in birds of prey), where the female of the species is larger than the male, a female Sharp-shinned can be as large as a male Cooper’s so size is not a reliable diagnostic guide. The best field mark is that Cooper’s hawks have a rounded end to tail when in flight, while the Sharp-shinned tail is straighter across or squared off. This can be somewhat apparent, though not as obvious, when birds are roosting. The immature Cooper’s hawk pictured here was photographed in the middle of August. Although as large as an adult bird, the light-coloured eyes and the vertical striping on the breast identify it as a young bird. Also, adult birds are fairly wary and would not normally tolerate this close approach by a human.
Safe Journey
On Sunday September 15, we went to Henteleff Park to release two male monarchs that we raised from caterpillars. We had the utmost pleasure of meeting Mr. Yude Henteleff who graciously posed for a photo with our monarchs. He was beaming with pride that we had chosen his former homestead as our release site.
Submitted by: Corinne & Neil 
Normand Home
This photo was taken just hours before it was demolished. Yude had originally told me that he thought it might be an old Métis home, but he’s said that it was the original Normand Home, and that he had been there many times as he was growing up. We are currently living in the Enclave and the history of the area is very important to us as it is obviously to the Henteleff family. Thank you for all that you have done to help preserve the heritage of your location.
Submitted by: Don and Pat Knudsen 

It was a great summer at Henteleff Park

The Canada Summer Jobs program once again provided funding for summer staff, with the group starting on May 27th and working for 12 weeks. Returning staff Braedon Walker and Peter Kiz were joined by Tessa Ferch and Andrew Kiz as they planted trees, watered and maintained planting sites, kept the mowed areas throughout the park maintained, battled weeds and maintained the trail system.

Volunteers were also a big part of the efforts. Returning volunteer, Alex Yablonski, was joined by Sheila Pursey and they worked diligently on removing weeds from the prairie restoration. John Barody took on of a variety of jobs, including installing a new door handle on the trailer and varmit-proofing the floor, and managing the installation of a much-needed new roof on the storage shed. Board members Bryan Bjerring, Corinne Caron, Ian Keenan and Yude Henteleff assisted chief organizer Marilyn Latta with the supervision of the summer students. Ian also took care of day-to-day needs such as getting gas and maintaining the whippers, and monitored the blue-bird boxes. President, Saul Henteleff, ensured the staff got their pay cheques on time, put together the new water trailer and promptly dealt with its flat tire problem so that newly-planted trees could be watered in the summer heat. Owen Clune looked after communications and helped to promote the tree planting and the Interpretive Walk led by Marilyn. Volunteer Karen Ilchena, also helped with communications, maintaining the web site and sending out the newsletters. So a big thank-you to everyone who helped!

The goal this year was to increase the number of trees and shrubs planted in the park and the total of 305 surpassed last year’s total of 234. The purchase of the trees was made possible by grants from TD Bank Friends of the Environment Foundation and the City of Winnipeg Land Dedication Reserve Fund and over $5000 was spent on trees. The TD grant was also used to add some staff time allowing for two of the staff to be hired for an additional week in September to work on the bumper crop of burdock infesting the park. Burdock, a biennial plant (two-year lifespan) needs to be cut at the correct time, that is allowing the plant to produce seeds before it is cut. If cut too early in the season, the plant will simply produce more flowers and seeds but they will be closer to the ground and out of view, which makes them very difficult to find and remove. Once plants have started to produce seeds, they have accomplished their goal and will die. The cut burdock is placed in several big piles which are removed by the City’s Parks and Open Spaces Division. Parks also took care of the two rough-cut mowings that were carried out in the park during the summer and Parks Technician Jessica Mutimer dealt with our assorted questions and requests. The City’s Naturalists Services Branch, especially Paul Mutch, was another great resource for the park and provided 40 trees and shrubs for the Volunteer Tree Planting as well as bringing equipment and a water tanker to the event.

So, next time you enjoy a walk through the park you might reflect on the many people involved in making Henteleff Park the great place that it is for both people and wildlife. And yet, we always need and can use more help. Are you interested in volunteering to help with maintenance next year or making a donation that will help us buy pay for some of the costs we incur in running the park, or do you have some great ideas to make the park a better place? We would love to hear from you!
Submitted by: Marilyn Latta, Board Member

Guided Tours

If any group wishes to book a guided tour of the Interpretive Centre and Park, please emai Yude Henteleff at to arrange a convenient time.

Donations Needed

We appreciate all the financial and other assistance provided to HPF by all three levels of Government. But that falls considerably short of what HPF requires to maintain and improve Henteleff Park as set out in its mandate and we need your financial support to do so. That mandate is to maintain and improve itself as a passive park – a place of beauty, quietude and reflection. HPF is a non-profit registered Charity with the Canada Revenue agency and all donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for their donation.

Please make your cheques payable to “Henteleff Park Foundation”
Henteleff Park Foundation
748 Borebank Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3N 1G4

Summer Guided Walk 2019

 Join us for a Guided Walk
Wednesday July 10, 2019

Naturalist Marilyn Latta, of Nature Manitoba, will be your guide for an evening walk at Henteleff Park.

Travelling along some of the developed trails, we will view the prairie restoration, flowers, trees, butterflies and whatever else nature has to offer.

Registration will be limited to 15 people to enhance the experience of participants. Please register with and a confirmation will be sent to you along with the time of the walk and the meeting place.

If needed, a second walk will be scheduled for July 16 to accommodate extra participants.

Hope to see you there!

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Annual Spring Tree Planting

Saturday June 8 — 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Sink your roots and branch out as part of our renaturalization project at Henteleff Park.

We’re bringing the community together to plant trees and shrubs on Saturday June 8 starting at 10:00 am at 1964 St. Mary’s Road.

Bring your shovels, gloves, smiles, friends, neighbours, uncles, aunts, cousins and all your family for a morning of fun and community fellowship.

We hope you can join us! Come make a tree your own personal landmark in Henteleff Park.

Message from the President

Dear Friends of Henteleff Park:

Winters for Henteleff Park Foundation are always a time for important reflection, new ideas and planning for the summer to come. This winter saw lots of that and more. In 2018 we were very happy to receive employment funding from Service Canada which over the past years has laid the necessary base for our summer employees. Happily, last year we also received a grant from TD Bank Friends of the Environment which not only helped to augment those wages but also helped us purchase new lawnmowers, a new trailer and a lawn tractor. These grants helped us enormously. We are very happy that Canada Summer Jobs and TD Bank are again supporting Henteleff Park in 2019 in our efforts to beautify south St Vital and assist us in re-naturalizing the park through tree and shrub plantings. We are also very happy that the City of Winnipeg continues to support Henteleff Park through the Land Dedication Reserve Fund (LDRF). The LDRF has served as a backbone to much of the work that has taken place at Henteleff Park and we wish to thank the City of Winnipeg and the Riel Community Committee for its tremendous insight into the needs of the community.

As with many volunteer organizations, Henteleff Park Foundation depends on a board of directors and volunteers to manage its multi-faceted business. This past winter saw important changes to Henteleff Park in this regard. New to Henteleff Park Foundation are Marilyn Latta, Owen Clune and Corrine Caron who bring a wealth of experience and ideas in the areas of large-scale gardening, human resources and communications technology. We are VERY happy to have them with us. At the same time, we saw long-time members Gord Elvers and Bruce Donaldson retire from the board and move on to other endeavours. We wish to thank them for their outstanding contributions and all the best in their next adventures. We would also like to extend a deep thanks to Karen Ilchena who continues to assist Henteleff Park Foundation in her work on the newsletters and other media related matters. Finally, I would like to thank the Board of Directors of Henteleff Park Foundation who bring extraordinary talent and grit to the table:

Yude Henteleff, President Emeritus
Marilyn Latta, Vice-Chair/Treasurer
Bryan Bjerring, Secretary
Corrine Caron, Director
Ian Keenan, Director
Owen Clune, Director

Henteleff Park Foundation is very excited about the months and years to come. As a community-based organization we have made wonderful friends throughout the neighbourhood, the city and beyond and these contacts and the fantastic support that we continue to receive give us great energy for a strong and healthy future.  As it is said in Yiddish: “Gut gezunt!”

Thank you very much!
Saul Henteleff, President
Henteleff Park Foundation

Guided Tours

If any group wishes to book a guided tour of the Interpretive Centre and Park, please email Yude Henteleff at to arrange a convenient time.

Donations Needed

We appreciate all the financial and other assistance provided to HPF by all three levels of Government. But that falls considerably short of what HPF requires to maintain and improve Henteleff Park as set out in its mandate and we need your financial support to do so. That mandate is to maintain and improve itself as a passive park – a place of beauty, quietude and reflection. HPF is a non-profit registered Charity with the Canada Revenue agency and all donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for their donation.

Please make your cheques payable to “Henteleff Park Foundation”
Henteleff Park Foundation
748 Borebank Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3N 1G4

Photos taken by Noah Hurley

Springtime in Henteleff Park


Henteleff Park Newsletter – Fall Issue 2018

Message from the President

The winter, spring and summer of 2018 have been exceptionally interesting for Henteleff Park. It has been a time of exciting developments, interesting challenges and important progress. In this report, I will highlight some of the significant events that have taken place at Henteleff Park over the past year.

Normand Road Apartment Plan
A most challenging situation that occurred this year was the proposed construction by Progressive Real Estate of a 535-unit apartment complex immediately south of Henteleff Park on Normand Road. Henteleff Park Foundation took the position that this project would have a very negative impact on the park and the community-at-large, so HPF became actively involved in opposing the plans.

Over many months HPF did considerable research and attended many meetings with community residents, political leaders and a legal team to get a clear idea of what the plan entailed, what it’s impact would be and how to oppose it. To this end, with the very skilled help of Dave Hill LLb, HPF sent numerous letters to the City of Winnipeg outlining our legal position.  Furthermore, in partnership with Van Hull Residents Association, HPF spent many evenings soliciting names for a petition opposing the development plans. As a result of this effort, HPF and Van Hull RA collected over 500 names opposing the development.

Finally, HPF attended the Riel Community Committee hearing in which the project proponents submitted their request for rezoning. At the same time, many members of the community, including HPF responded. Over the course of 8 hours, from 5:30 PM to 1:30 AM, dozens of presentations opposing the plans – including our own – were submitted and reviewed by the Riel Community Committee.

At the end, the RCC approved the re-zoning application by the proponent but with significant requirements for plan alterations.  While this was not a complete win – HPF did not want to see any apartment development on Normand Road – the changes recommended by the RCC require serious downsizing which may prove to be un-economical for the developer. At this time HPF is waiting to see what the developer is going to do.

Toronto Dominion Bank Friends of the Environment Grant.
This year, Henteleff Park Foundation applied for and received a significant grant from Toronto Dominion Bank Friends of the Environment Foundation. The grant we received was put to very good use in that it allowed us to upgrade some important lawn machinery, purchase more trees and add to the wages that we pay our summer students. We wish to thank TD Bank Friends of the Environment Fund for its generous support of Henteleff Park and the numerous projects across the country that run reforestation and environmental sustainability programs.

Canada Summer Jobs
This year HPF again received funds from the Federal government’s Canada Summer Jobs program to hire 4 summer students. HPF strongly supports this initiative and feels very strongly that Government support in this fashion is extremely important as it allows charitable organizations such as HPF to employ high school and university students for community and environmental enhancement programs.

Henteleff Park Foundation wishes to thank Service Canada for its continued support of Henteleff Park Foundation.

Land Dedication Reserve Fund
This year, Henteleff Park Foundation received an outstanding grant from the City of Winnipeg’s Land Dedication Reserve Fund. The LDRF is money set aside by the city for greenspace and park enhancement. In our case, the money is used for tree purchases, park machinery servicing and improvement, trail enhancement and continued park re-naturalization and beautification. Henteleff Park Foundation wishes to thank City of Winnipeg for its continued support of Henteleff Park.

Board of Directors
As a charitable organization, Henteleff Park Foundation is run by volunteers on its board of directors. Our bylaws require a minimum of 3 board members and a maximum of 15, each with a three-year term. At this time, we have seven board members:
President – Saul Henteleff
President Emeritus – Yude Henteleff
Treasurer – Gord Elvers
Secretary – Bryan Bjerring
Officer – Bruce Donaldson
Officer – Ian Keenan
Officer – Corrine Caron
Officer – Marilyn Latta

I would like to thank the HPF board of directors for its wisdom and guidance on the many issues that we faced this year. I would also like to thank the community of South St Mary’s Road particularly residents of The Enclave, The Waterfront and Van Hull Estates for their wonderful support of Henteleff Park. Having worked with these folks very closely over the past few months I can say they are fantastic people and that we are here together.

Finally, Henteleff Park Foundation wishes to acknowledge that Henteleff Park is on Treaty One Territory and that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Thank you, Merci and Meegwetch!
Saul Henteleff, President
Henteleff Park Foundation 

Group Tours & Community Outreach

Since the Interpretive Centre’s opening in August 2016, Yude Henteleff, President Emeritus of the HPF Board has hosted and led several group tours of the HPF Interpretive Centre and the Park as a whole. Shown here is a tour in September with a group from Creative Retirement.

If any group wishes to hear more from Yude or book a guided tour of the Interpretive Centre and Park, please email him directly at y.henteleff@gmail.comto arrange a convenient time.

Welcome Board Members

Henteleff Park Foundation is very happy to announce the addition of the following folks on our Board of Directors.

  • Corrine Caron
  • Bryan Bjerring
  • Ian Keenan
  • Marilyn Latta

At the same time, we are sad to see Markus Chambers leave the board as he recently was elected as City Councillor for the new St. Norbert-Seine River ward. Congratulations Markus!

Site Planning Committee Report

Thanks to Marilyn Latta for submitting a thorough Site Planning Committee report for 2018 with updates on the summer staff, tree planting, maintenance, volunteers and so much more. To read the report in its entirety, click here.

Donations Needed

We appreciate all the financial and other assistance provided to HPF by all three levels of Government. But that falls considerably short of what HPF requires to maintain and improve Henteleff Park as set out in its mandate and we need your financial support to do so. That mandate is to maintain and improve itself as a passive park – a place of beauty, quietude and reflection. HPF is a non-profit registered Charity with the Canada Revenue agency and all donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for their donation.

Please make your cheques payable to “Henteleff Park Foundation”
Henteleff Park Foundation
748 Borebank Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3N 1G4