Recent park visitors will have noticed that the City has completed the first of its two annual mowings in the park. Mowing is one way to help combat the proliferation of Canada thistle and other invasive species. But don’t worry, there are still plenty of plants and flowers left for wildlife to make use of.
Our Green Team, comprised of Megan Ferley and Avery Sharpe, has also been mowing using a regular lawn mower and a whipper – a daunting job in a 40 acre park! They are focusing on keeping some of the more recent tree planting areas mowed as well as the area around the park entrance and the prairie restoration. They have also been removing old burdock plants, working of the trails, and planting small trees and shrubs that we have been growing in the nursery in the park for the last two years. Please take a moment to stop and say hello to them the next time you are in the park and let them know how much you appreciate their efforts.
As we only have two staff this year, and there is always more work than they can do, we are looking for volunteers to help maintain the prairie restoration and the wildflower gardens. If you are interested in helping, please contact Marilyn at or 204-253-9245. She will be coordinating a work party one morning a week from 8-10 am for people willing to help out in this area. People can come whenever they want during that time. Part of the activities will include a walk through the prairie to see what is blooming that day and some relevant plant trivia. This is a great opportunity to help keep the prairie healthy as well as learn more about native plants. We hope to see you out there!