Annual Spring Tree PlantingSaturday June 8 — 10:00 am – 12:00 pmSink your roots and branch out as part of our renaturalization project at Henteleff Park. We’re bringing the community together to plant trees and shrubs on Saturday June 8 starting at 10:00 am at 1964 St. Mary’s Road. Bring your shovels, gloves, smiles, friends, neighbours, uncles, aunts, cousins and all your family for a morning of fun and community fellowship. We hope you can join us! Come make a tree your own personal landmark in Henteleff Park. |
Message from the PresidentDear Friends of Henteleff Park: Winters for Henteleff Park Foundation are always a time for important reflection, new ideas and planning for the summer to come. This winter saw lots of that and more. In 2018 we were very happy to receive employment funding from Service Canada which over the past years has laid the necessary base for our summer employees. Happily, last year we also received a grant from TD Bank Friends of the Environment which not only helped to augment those wages but also helped us purchase new lawnmowers, a new trailer and a lawn tractor. These grants helped us enormously. We are very happy that Canada Summer Jobs and TD Bank are again supporting Henteleff Park in 2019 in our efforts to beautify south St Vital and assist us in re-naturalizing the park through tree and shrub plantings. We are also very happy that the City of Winnipeg continues to support Henteleff Park through the Land Dedication Reserve Fund (LDRF). The LDRF has served as a backbone to much of the work that has taken place at Henteleff Park and we wish to thank the City of Winnipeg and the Riel Community Committee for its tremendous insight into the needs of the community. As with many volunteer organizations, Henteleff Park Foundation depends on a board of directors and volunteers to manage its multi-faceted business. This past winter saw important changes to Henteleff Park in this regard. New to Henteleff Park Foundation are Marilyn Latta, Owen Clune and Corrine Caron who bring a wealth of experience and ideas in the areas of large-scale gardening, human resources and communications technology. We are VERY happy to have them with us. At the same time, we saw long-time members Gord Elvers and Bruce Donaldson retire from the board and move on to other endeavours. We wish to thank them for their outstanding contributions and all the best in their next adventures. We would also like to extend a deep thanks to Karen Ilchena who continues to assist Henteleff Park Foundation in her work on the newsletters and other media related matters. Finally, I would like to thank the Board of Directors of Henteleff Park Foundation who bring extraordinary talent and grit to the table: Yude Henteleff, President Emeritus Henteleff Park Foundation is very excited about the months and years to come. As a community-based organization we have made wonderful friends throughout the neighbourhood, the city and beyond and these contacts and the fantastic support that we continue to receive give us great energy for a strong and healthy future. As it is said in Yiddish: “Gut gezunt!” Thank you very much! |
Guided ToursIf any group wishes to book a guided tour of the Interpretive Centre and Park, please email Yude Henteleff at to arrange a convenient time. |
Donations NeededWe appreciate all the financial and other assistance provided to HPF by all three levels of Government. But that falls considerably short of what HPF requires to maintain and improve Henteleff Park as set out in its mandate and we need your financial support to do so. That mandate is to maintain and improve itself as a passive park – a place of beauty, quietude and reflection. HPF is a non-profit registered Charity with the Canada Revenue agency and all donors will be provided with a tax-deductible receipt for their donation. Please make your cheques payable to “Henteleff Park Foundation” |